Rami Obeid
Rami Obeid is a poet from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is a staff member for Versification Zine and has been published in Stone of Madness Press, Trampset, Serotonin Poetry, and Lucky Pierre Zine, among others. Follow him on twitter: @obeid_ro

Jack Benedict
Jack Benedict is a Canadian writer who grew up enjoying story telling and considers themselves a storyteller as well as author. “There is something exciting and fun about reading in front of people. It’s an exchange that can’t simply be done by reading the work alone.” In school Jack had always struggled with writing and found they were still able to be the author they wanted to be without needing to necessarily write it down. Since then they have bettered their writing skills so that they match those of their story telling abilities which they enjoy so much.

Rebecca R. Gruszka
Rebecca R. Gruszka is a queer poet, editor, fiction writer, and works professionally as a Child and Youth Worker in Halton. Her poetry focuses on mental health, living with chronic illness, and her many overwhelming feelings. She writes fantasy and mystical young adult fiction with authentic LGBTQ+ characters and feelings. She is also head of Whispering Wick's promotional department.

Grace Regan
Grace Regan is a writer from Toronto, ON. She can usually be found binge-reading young adult fantasy novels, researching obscure folklore, or playing The Sims. She’s a big fan of true crime podcasts, indie rock, and her dog, Gilmore. Her work has either appeared or is forthcoming in The Bangor Literary Journal, Savant Garde, Stone of Madness Press, and Versification. You can find her on twitter at @eg_regan. She is also head of Whispering Wick's design department.
David Stevens
David Stevens was born in Canada and has never really left it due to the fact that he doesn’t have a passport. As a kid, he loved reading and would devour any book he came across. But he never thought about writing until he accidentally found a program in college for it. Running the gauntlet, he found the challenge to be quite exhilarating. Ever since, he’s been throwing himself into one challenge after the next, passionately writing about all the things that fill his head. He is also head of Whispering Wick's production department.